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South Coast Surface Design Featured Artist Program


New Featured Artist Nancy Hayes

We are very excited to announce our new collaboration with Nancy Hayes, a painter and formerly a ceramicist, well known for her mesmerizing creations, rich with color and pattern, symbolism, organic and abstract combinations. Nancy lives and works in Dartmouth, MA. She completed her Master of Fine Arts degree at the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth campus, Ceramics education at the Philadelphia College of Art, and her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree at the Tyler School of Art, including 3 semesters in Rome, Italy.

"Seeking a more direct means to explore visual relationships, I moved from working in clay to paint, from the three dimensional to the two dimensional. By doing so I also started on a journey that is leading me back home, to the place where I started. A place where design is held in high regard. A place where line, color, shape and pattern are the subject matter. A place where I am free to use a visual vocabulary to express concepts beyond my understanding."  - Nancy Hayes

Nancy's formative years focused on design principles inspired by her father, an Architect, and mother, a Floral Designer. Nancy reflects, "I was destined to see the world through its structural patterns and organic essence". She believes in her creative process; design is the scaffolding through which her art flows. Her mastery of illustration techniques and craftsmanship, along with her continuous commitment to creating every day, is most inspiring and a true pleasure to experience while viewing Nancy’s creations up close.

In this collaboration we will explore new applications of Nancy's artwork translated through eco-friendly digital printing onto fabric and wall treatments. We look forward to sharing with you Nancy's original artwork in our gallery along with the 2D and 3D results of our collective design partnership.

Beginning in later June through September, we will have 2 Featured Artist Talks and 1 Creative full-day Workshop. Additionally, during the month of August, we hope to host trunk shows with purchasing opportunities of our new creations developed during this collaboration. Please see our Events page for dates and registration links for all events.

Looking forward to seeing you!



Nancy Hayes 10
NH_IMage 5

"Golden Glamour"

watercolor, tempera, acrylic on watercolor paper

36 in. x 36 in.